Wednesday, September 18, 2013

The Lunchbox Movie Preview

Film will take decent start at box office as there is a huge buzz surrounding the film and film will get good jumps in multiplexes over the weekend especially in urban centers.


The film set in Mumbai, revolves around a mistaken delivery in dabbawala (lunchbox service) of Mumbai, which leads to a relationship between an about to retire, Saajan, also a lonely widower and an unhappy housewife, Ila as they start exchanging notes through the daily lunchbox.


Critical Response

Film will receive exceptional to very good reviews from critics as film has already generated huge buzz all over in festival circuits. Film will get immense boost from these reviews and that should translate at box office.

 Average Critic Ratings Predicted

Final Verdict:

Film will take decent start at box office as there is a huge buzz surrounding the film and film will get good jumps in multiplexes over the weekend especially in urban centers. Film has capacity to surprise at box office though that will depend heavily on word of mouth.


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